You receive: 

Monthly 1:1 activation call

Biweekly 1:1 mentorship calls (100 minutes)

1:1 coaching chat on 5 days/week

The program Leading yourself powerfully

Resources, including customized audio resources

A customized flight plan (embodiment practices, and more), aligned to your design, values, and where you want to go, at the beginning and end of our time together

If you desire to book 6 or 12 months, please reach out to me. 

Contact information

Billing address

Kim-Nicola Lorentzen . Mentorship and Coaching . 2011-2025

Haynstr. 25 a. 20249 Hamburg-Germany
Telephone 00491775384302
UST ID (Tax ID) DE340369152


This agreement between Kim-Nicola Lorentzen of the company Kim-Nicola Lorentzen and the client will begin on receipt of the payment of either € 5500 or € 1888 for the 3-month Mentorship Magnificent that includes Biweekly 1:1 calls (90 minutes), 1:1 coaching chat on 5 days/week, the program Leading yourself powerfully, resources, including customized audio resources, and a customized flight plan (embodiment practices and more), aligned to your design, values, and where you want to go, at the beginning and end of our time together.

By submitting the payment and enrolling in the offer you are agreeing to the terms and conditions you find on

Mentor is Kim-Nicola Lorentzen.
The booking timeframe for this 1:1 starts immediately.


Your use of this offering and actions taken through this offering is at your own risk. This offering doesn’t replace any medical or psychological treatment, therapy, or other care. This offering is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any promises of any kind either expressed or implied. Neither the company nor Kim-Nicola Lorentzen makes any promise, warranty or representation with respect to the completeness, quality, accuracy, security, reliability, or availability of advice given in this offering. The company hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise. By purchasing this offering you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer.


I acknowledge and agree that all materials I receive from the company that are part of its copyrighted materials are for my individual use only. All intellectual property of the company Kim-Nicola Lorentzen is and shall remain the sole property of the company. I understand and acknowledge that I am not authorized to, and shall not copy, share, distribute, or otherwise circulate in any way any materials received from the company electronically or otherwise without the company’s prior written consent. No license to sell or distribute the company’s materials is granted, neither in this agreement nor within the services given. By purchasing this offering you acknowledge and agree to this copyright.

Kim-Nicola Lorentzen, Mentorship and Coaching 2011-2025,


I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (€ 5500.00)€5500.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x €1888.00)3x €1888.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xMentorship Magnificent€0

All prices in EUR

Kim-Nicola Lorentzen, Mentorship and Coaching 2011-2025
